When I was married my husband did the majority of the grilling so once I got divorced I was kind of at a loss for how to use my giant stainless steel grill. It was built into my back patio and it felt silly just letting it sit there, so I signed up for Internet at Clearwirelessinternet.com and started looking up techniques and tips for the novice gri! ller. It wasn't long before I had a full repertoire of delicious grilled dishes that were easy for me to prepare and much healthier than a lot of the things I often cooked inside. My friends loved coming over for cookouts and I even scored a few great dates from my ability to man the grill! It is really rewarding being outside, especially at night when the weather is so nice here. My dad would be so proud to know that I fearlessly work the grill and can char meat with the best of them! I'm even thinking of having my ex-husband over to show him how far my grilling skills have come…

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